Friday, January 9, 2009

Already In Charge But Facing Obstacles!

Our president-elect is 11 days away from being sworn in as the President of the United States, but he's effectively now the president in the "dire times" as he continues to refer to our present economic situation. Yesterday he gave a speech touting his stimulus package that will cost close to a trillion dollars. The Philadelphia Daily News reports on the fact that Obama is already in charge, and highlights of the spending would go towards doubling "in three years the use of alternative energy like solar and wind power with a high-tech grid to deliver it; a slew of so-called "green collar" jobs making government buildings and private homes more energy-efficient; a high-tech medical database; and the overhaul of roads and bridges."

Within the package Obama is also promoting $300 billion in tax cuts for individuals and businesses, which is bringing criticism from Democratic Senators according to Fox News. Obama will have to satisfy lawmakers on the left and right to get his plan through the House. Yesterday's speech was important, because Obama is using the goodwill that he has from the election to elicit support from regular everyday people, which is politically savvy.

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